This is HiveMind.


"The World's Blankey-est Blank" is usually an unsupported claim, but we stand by HiveMind's unprecedented knifey-ness

Because we're knife nerds, we wanted to know what was (statistically speaking) the knifey-est knife shape. So we took the 100 most popular folding knife designs and overlaid their silhouettes on top of each other. This resulted in the image on the left.

We then added over 400 additional folding knife silhouettes to the first 100, resulting in the image on the right. Since both of the composite images were virtually identical, we knew we had reached data saturation and no matter how many more knives we added, we'd continue to find this same shape. We had discovered the knifey-est knife shape.



When you've discovered the world's knifey-est knife shape, you've gotta make the world's knifey-est knife, right? Thus HiveMind was conceived, a knife formed out of the collective consciousness of all knifedom. 

But we wanted to make sure that though HiveMind is the sum of all the great knives that came before it, HiveMind also felt like a step forward. So we added some modern touches like a front flipper, the AKT opening hole (perfect for middle flicking) and copper accents, all without impacting the silhouette. In fact, the only way we altered the silhouette was adding a sharpening choil, a must-have for modern knives. 


We also introduced a new and improved version of the Roundhouse Lock on HiveMind. The Roundhouse Lock is essentially a liner lock with a button release and it makes for a super satisfying opening and closing action. The Roundhouse Lock is also much safer than a traditional liner l safe because your fingers stay out of the blade path while the knife is closing.

The newest iteration of the Roundhouse Lock features a D-shaped pivot collar that removes the need for a T6 set screw to hold the pivot collar in place. This reduces complexity, removes a potential point of failure, and makes it possible to remove the pivot collar without taking the entire knife apart, making changing parts out much easier. 


Aurora Knife and Tool is a product of the knife community. As consummate knife junkies, we got connected with the knife community many years ago and loved making knife friends. For us, AKT is a way for us to give back to the community that's given so much to us! 

One crazy aspect of our community is how kind and supportive so many knife reviewers are. Check out what reviewers said about Truffles, our first knife which launched via Kickstarter in 2023. HiveMind is currently out for review with several reviewers, and we can't wait to get feedback! 


We're hopeful folks are as excited about HiveMind as we are, and we're relying on the knife community to help us bring HiveMind to the masses. On March 1 we'll launch with an early bird price of $179, then for the rest of the campaign (March 2-April 1) HiveMind will be presold for $189.

If you're unfamiliar with Kickstarter, the way it works is that you pledge to support the project and if we meet our goal your card will be charged at the end of the campaign and we'll begin getting HiveMind produced. But if we don't meet our goal, HiveMind won't get made. So you can be part of bringing HiveMind to life!

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8.1" OAL, 3.4" Blade, 4.7" Handle; Weight: 4.2 oz;

Materials: S35VN Flat Ground Blade, Titanium Handle, Copper Accents

Lock: Roundhouse Lock (Partial/Leaf Liner Lock with Pivot Button Lock Release)

Price: $189 for Kickstarter Backers, $179 Early Bird Price (March 1 only)

Made with Scikio, one of our manufacturing partners in Yangjiang, China.